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Broadway-Flushing Homeowners’ Association, Inc.
Founded 1964


An organization of homeowners that was founded to maintain the superb residential character of the Broadway-Flushing neighborhood.


Zoning shapes the city. Zoning determines the size and use of buildings, where they are located and, in large measure, the densities of the city’s diverse neighborhoods. New York City Department of Planning has granted Broadway-Flushing the strictest zoning allowed by the city — RI A, R2A — one family, detached houses, no less than 40′ x 100′ property.


Real estate deed restrictions are restrictions on the deed that place limitations on the use of the property. Restrictive covenants are an example of deed restrictions. Deed restrictions are usually initiated by the developers – those who determined what the land would be used for, divided the land into plots, and built homes. Deed restrictions come with the property. Deed restrictions such as restrictive covenants are often put in place to maintain a desired look in a neighborhood. Many homes in Broadway-Flushing carry deed restrictions known as the Rickert Finlay Covenant.


Members do, as soon as you join. Any homeowner who supports the principles and purposes is eligible for membership. Dues are $25.00 per year — two votes per household.


Your most valuable investment is your home! Membership is the best way to protect your investment at the best price! Dues are only $25 a year! The purpose of the Association is to enforce the Rickert-Finlay Covenant and work alongside city agencies and elected officials to preserve and maintain the neighborhood in an open green space. It also goes directly to your bottom line. A home in a desirable neighborhood maintains its value!


  • Initiated private legal action to enforce the Rickert Finlay Covenant, paid by member dues and contributions to the Legal and Reserve Fund — 100% success rate!
  • Enforced Zoning Laws — assisted New York City Department of Planning in granting Broadway-Flushing the strictest zoning in the history of city planning.
  • Fought and won to re-draw the 19th District map to keep the neighborhood whole for representation on the New York City Council.
  • Represent community interests at public hearings and with city agencies. We work closely and continuously, with Community Board 7, 109th Police Precinct, Department of Buildings, City Planning, and all elected officials.
  • National and New York State Register of Historic Places in 2006 – Plaque Program
  • Sponsor candidates nights to meet our elected officials.
  • Increased Beauty — acknowledge beautiful gardens with annual spring garden awards, clean graffiti and litter.
  • Recreation — International buffet dinners, co-sponsoring with Bowne Park Civic Association of seasonal musical concerts and holiday lighting in Bowne Park, encouraged the procurement of new playground equipment and the rehabilitation of Bowne Park.
  • Update membership on reports by the New York Community Airport Roundtable including excessive airplane noise and noise mitigation flight patterns.
  • Alert city agencies and Mayor’s Office of Enforcement of short term room rentals.
  • Sponsor Cop-of-the-Month at the 109th Police Precinct.
  • Keep membership advised by updates on the Association’s website and social media.
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