President George Zbravos
Immediate Past President Liz Nacinovich
Vice President Diane Arfsten
Vice President Karen Barbieri
Treasurer Joanne Zbravos
Recording Secretary Erin Carrozzo
Corresponding Secretary Kurt Nickel
Voting Member Zoning Chair Janet McCreesh
Voting Member Frances Buckley
Non Voting Member Susan Sparagna
Dear Members,
As many of you may be aware, our neighborhood and the entire city is facing momentous change as the “City of Yes” proposal gains momentum. In its worst form, these sets of proposals have the potential of changing the way we live by negatively effecting the density level and appearance of our neighborhood. Zoning control would be stripped from the communities, rendering the community boards useless. Amongst many other outlandish proposals, owners of homes would be allowed to open business establishments, allow corner stores to be opened within established communities, allow garage apartments and dwelling to be built in backyards. No, you are not reading this wrong. They would allow backyards to be turned into housing! In addition, apartment complexes would be allowed to be built over street level retail and parking requirements would be altered. In short, idyllic neighborhoods such as ours would be transformed into commercial nightmares if not shantytowns.
Rest assured, this board along with other neighborhood associations and the Queens Civic Congress will not stop fighting as everything is on the line here. But we do need your help. We previously have sent out in a mass email City Council member contact information along with form letters crafted by City Council member Vickie Paladino’s office. I urge everyone to get involved. Send out emails. Make phone calls. Attend meetings and make your voices heard. Hoping to see you all at our next general membership meeting at St. Andrews Cafeteris (158th Street between Northern Blvd. and 35th Avenue) on Thursday, March 21st at 7:30 pm.
George Zbravos
32nd President
The City of Yes for Housing Opportunity is currently being presented to local community boards before the City Planning Commission for a vote. If approved, it’s expected to come for a vote before the City Council by the end of this calendar year.
BFHA stands firmly against the City of Yes for Housing Opportunity because it strips zoning control from the community and would have a negative effect on the density, scale, and appearance of lovely Broadway Flushing neighborhood
We do, however, encourage our members to learn more about it. As part of its outreach efforts, the Department of City Planning is hosting monthly Zoom sessions on different aspects of City of Yes for Housing Opportunity. These presentations are followed by lengthy Q&A sessions. Visit NYC Planning if you’d like to register for upcoming sessions or view previous ones.*
Please consider sending an email with your questions and concerns directly to NYC Planning at, and copy our City Council member, Vickie Paladino, at
*Please note that these sessions describe the City of Yes for Housing Opportunity in the best possible light and do not touch on the many downsides of this proposal.
Get involved in City of Yes
Visit for public meeting info, sharable flyers, and more.
Order a plaque for your home or as a gift for your neighbor. If you would like to order a plaque, please visit our website and select “Order a Plaque” This will take you directly to the manufacturer who has given a 10% discount for all Broadway-Flushing Plaques. If you need help installing your plaque reach out to us because we know who the “handy” neighbors are and they would love to help you!
If you have not yet sent in your dues, now would be a great time to do so. You can do this by clicking below, or go to We accept Paypal. Remember, there is strength in numbers!
Pay your dues here