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December 2021 Membership Update

President  Liz Nacinovich
Immediate Past President  Kevin Morris
Vice President  Janet McCreesh
Vice President Elisa Bellere
Treasurer  Karen Barbieri
Recording Secretary Erin Carrozzo
Corresponding Secretary Kurt Nickel
Member  Dianne Arfsten
Member  Anne Marie Devlin



As many of you are already aware, the Grinch struck again this year when the Christmas Tree Lights in Bowne Park were destroyed. This is the second year in a row that vandals have attempted to destroy our community’s holiday spirit. The 109th is investigating the crime but they are asking for our help. If you have any information that may be helpful to the police in this investigation, please contact our NCO’s through the link below. If you would prefer to remain anonymous you can send the information to the BFHA at PO BOX 580031 Flushing, NY 11358. What the grinch who committed this act didn’t know, is that you cannot quell the holiday spirit in Broadway Flushing by snipping some wires! The spirit of the season is evidenced throughout the neighborhood by the wonderful wreaths, decorations and light displays on individual homes. Check out the slide show below for some of our favorites this year.

Holiday Homes in Broadway Flushing 2021

On the good news front, we recently received word from outgoing City Councilman Paul Vallone that the petition to rename 163rd Street between 35th and 33rd Avenues “Ferrigno Place” has been adopted. Stay tuned for details regarding a dedication ceremony in the future. The BFHA was founded by Marjorie & Nick Ferrigno over 50 years ago to protect and preserve the character of our beautiful neighborhood. If you would like more information about the Ferrignos and why they are being honored by NYC with a street renaming, please visit our website at BroadwayFlushing.org and click on the link for “Ferrigno Place” under the “More” tab on the landing page. Many thanks to everyone involved in making this honor possible, especially former BFHA board member Maria Becce who spearheaded this successful campaign.

Click here to access 109th Precinct Website



On December 14, 2021, the BFHA lost a dear friend and staunch advocate, Arthur Viviani, who as a 50-year resident of Broadway-Flushing, was very active in the BFHA, including serving two terms as the president of the association. His wife, Sandi, who has also served on the board of the BFHA and two terms as President, related that Art “was very fond of the Association and all their very dedicated volunteer board members. He was honored to serve two times as President.” She added that although, at times, “we all would butt heads, we always came together for the preservation of our beautiful Broadway-Flushing neighborhood.” Art, who was an attorney, was among a small group of volunteer attorneys who guided BFHA through every discussion and legal action for more than forty years including:

  • A Court Injunction to stop the demolishment of a single-family home slated to be replaced by three, three-family homes on 158th Street, across from St Andrew Avellino Rectory.
  • Multi-year successful lawsuit to enforce the Rickert Finlay Covenant on 158th Street, across from St Andrew Avellino Rectory.
  • Legal Advisor to correct the NYC Zoning Map.
  • Advisor to apply for recognition on the National and New York State Register of Historic Places, which was meant to be a precursor for New York City Landmark recognition.
  • Multi-year successful lawsuit to enforce the Rickert Finlay Covenant on a 158th Street property, assisted BFHA legal counsel with research, guidance, and court appearances.
  • Worked with BFHA Officers to redraw the 19th District map to keep Broadway-Flushing whole for representation on the New York City Council.
  • Legal research and correspondence concerning the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and the NYS Historic Act of 1980 regarding commercial aircraft flight procedure changes made by the Federal Aviation Administration at LaGuardia Airport.

He was a Special Agent for the FBI for 6 years. He then became an Assistant US Attorney for the Southern District of NY and was appointed Assistant Chief of the Criminal Division before going into private practice. According to Sandi, “That’s why sometimes he could be “tough as nails, but had a heart of gold.” He was a graduate from St. John’s University School of Law and held a Masters in Taxation from NYU. Art would have turned 82 on December 26. He is survived by his wife Sandi, their son Christopher and his wife Anna, and his beloved grandchildren, Leo and Olivia.



With the spike in Omicron cases in NYC, use the following link to find testing and vaccine information. www.coronavirus.health.ny.gov.

At home testing is available to all immunocompromised New Yorkers aged 65 and older by calling (929) 298-9400 between 9AM and 7PM (7 days a week).



Governor Kathy Hochul has signed Assembly Bill A214OB which will initiate a study of the health impacts of LGA and JFK on the surrounding communities by the Department of Environmental Conservation. Visit NY State Assembly Bill A2140B (nysenate.gov) to learn more. In the meantime, please continue to file complaints with the PA of NY & NJ regarding airplane noise. The easiest way to do this is by creating a free account at www.airnoise.com.



  • The most recent plan submission by the Calvary Mission Church to the DOB was disapproved on 12/19/21.
  • 160-16 33rd Ave. was issued a summons by the DOB on 12/10/21 for having no Certificate of Occupancy and Day Care Signs have been removed. We continue to work with the DOB and Senator Liu’s office to make sure there is no unlicensed or illegal activity at this property.




In early December, Kevin Morris (past president) met with our in-coming city council member Vickie Paladino at her office on Francis Lewis Blvd. They discussed the concerns of the residents of Broadway Flushing, which are rather similar to those of homeowners in Whitestone, Malba, and College Point. The candidate indicated that she wanted to hold regular town halls in her office in the evening, when people are typically not engaged with work or domestic obligations. Ms. Paladino said that officers and members of neighborhood associations would be particularly welcome at these proposed events, so that the treatment of local concerns by the council could be elucidated to the district voters. When referencing her minority status in a Democratic legislative body, she acknowledged the long odds in getting Republican-sponsored bills passed — however, she noted that the Republican caucus could block or alter legislation that would otherwise breeze through without scrutiny. To a significant degree, the Council membership has turned over. It is unclear at this point how well they will work together Ms Paladino hopes to address BFHA at one of its meetings in Spring 2022, either on Zoom or in person at Church on the Hill.




Our next General Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 24, 2022. We are hoping to be able to hold an in person meeting at Church on the Hill on that date. Keep an eye out for updates as the date gets closer.




The main prevention tactic for vehicle break ins is to lock your doors. We have arrested perpetrators in the past who openly admit that they know residents in this area do not lock their doors and that is why they continue to return. Most of the time if no valuables are left in plain sight and doors are locked, they are not breaking windows to the vehicle to gain entry. Dash cams or even cameras on your house can help identify a perpetrator and time frame of the crime occurrence.

Package thefts usually increase this time of year, but there are some simple ways to prevent theft. Aside from specific instruction to delivery company to hide the package when delivered such as behind a fence, in backyard, etc., also keeping in contact with your neighbors to pick up packages is a good contingency plan. I would also advise picking up the package from the closest shipping warehouse or post office. In the case a package is stolen, once again cameras are great for identifying time frame and perpetrators.

Officer Burger’s expertise is crime prevention and I would recommend reaching out to him with any further inquiries. Burglaries are still occurring. We all need to work together. Call in to 911 for any suspicious looking people or vehicles. We believe the perpetrators could be double parking, parked on hydrants, idling their vehicles near the homes they are targeting. As the residents you are our eyes and ears, even though we have increased patrols in these areas with an uptick in burglaries.

The BFHA and the 109th PCT want you and your families to be safe during the holiday season and all year long. Lock your windows and basement doors. Be a good neighbor: if you see anyone entering back yards and/or looking into windows, call 911. Working together we can keep our community safe!


All New Yorkers 18 and over who received a Pfizer or Moderna #COVID19vaccine more than six months ago or a Johnson & Johnson vaccine more than two months ago are now eligible for a booster shot. Schedule an appointment now: vax4nyc.nyc.gov.


Order a plaque for your home or as a gift for your neighbor. If you would like to order a plaque, please visit our website and select “Order a Plaque” This will take you directly to the manufacturer who has given a 10% discount for all Broadway-Flushing Plaques. If you need help installing your plaque reach out to us because we know who the “handy” neighbors are and they would love to help you!



If you have not yet sent in your dues, now would be a great time to do so. You can do this by clicking below, or go towww.broadwayflushing.org/membership-application. We accept Paypal. Remember, there is strength in numbers!

Pay your dues here

Bowne Park

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